Dan at:

Janet at:


About Us

Daniel Williams

Born           : August, 1961
High School: Athens High School
Work          : Computer Specialist 

I grew up in Athens, Ohio.  I lived next to Strouds Run State Park and spent most of my time hunting, fishing and trapping.  I attended Hocking Technical College and have an associates degree in Recreation and Wildlife Management, Law Enforcement and a second degree in Computer Science.  I worked for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for six years as a Campground Attendant and Laborer.  I also worked for Hocking Technical College as a Bus Driver, Lab Assistant and Watercraft Instructor.  I currently work for the Federal Government as a IT Specialist where I am the project manager for web based administrative systems.  My work includes programming in a language called "Natural" and supervising JAVA projects.  I work with the databases Adabas and Oracle.  In addition I work as a webmaster for the Personnel area.

Janet Williams

Born           : September, 19??
High School: St. Angela Academy
Work          : Program Analyst

I was born in Augusta, Georgia, but grew up in Aiken, South Carolina.  I graduated from Saint Angela Academy High School in 1978 and finally graduated from the University of South Carolina in 1983, when my Dad said he would not pay for another semester.  During my college years, I spent my summers teaching swimming and working on my tan.  In 1984, I started working for the Federal Government and am still with the same agency.  I had to give up tanning as a hobby but added woodturning, which is much healthier.  Although I am just a novice turner, I really enjoy it and hope to get back to it once the baby is older.

Eric Williams

Born            : October, 1999
High School: Pre-School
Work           : What's that?

I was born in Manassas, Virginia. I'm the reason mom and dad don't do much anymore.  I have graduated into toddlerhood and am now working on my climbing skills, experimenting with tantrumology, and learning how to pull mom and dad's strings.